I am not a writer; quite honestly, I tend to ramble BUT...

In Hebrews 3:13, it states, "but encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness."

So, I am answering God's call and sharing my thoughts and my passion. I love Jesus with all my heart and I want the world to know why.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I resolve....

In honor of all the New Year's Resolutions floating around out there, I resolved to start blogging again. Hopefully, you can keep me in check. Let me explain...

As I reflect upon the whole idea of resolutions, I wonder - what exactly are they? Is there a point? Does anyone actually keep them? Or, do they, in fact, make us feel better... I resolve... whats so great about that?

In fact, as I think about resolutions, I cannot help but laugh. I was watching TV this morning and heard that the beginning of January marks a rise in work-out profits, while by January 14, there is a dip in happiness and working-out. Realistically, most of us will forfeit our resolutions and go back to normal in less than two weeks - pretty humbling, huh? Which ones of us will re-buy the junk food, start shoveling in the pizza, and quit gnawing on those carrots and celery sticks we so desperately wanted on January 1? Which ones of us will slowly sneak back into sleeping in on Sunday mornings? Which ones of us will, quite frankly, just stop caring... and just give up?!?!

Then, I think about the Christian life. Isn't New Year's just like our experiences as a Christian? We go to a camp or attend a radical service... maybe we have an epiphany... we need more Jesus. We need to resolve. We need to radically change for Christ. And, slowly, we go back to our more comfortable lives.... slowly we loose our resolutions... slowly, well, in about 2 weeks, we become ourselves again and forget to allow the Spirit to move.

Sadly, we think of these resolutions as burdens... something else on our checklist. And, often, with heavy hearts, we begin a routine... not a relationship... a routine, we didn't really buy into to begin with. Or, sometimes, we start with good intentions and add more and more onto our plates until we are so busy and so burdened we simply cannot fulfill God's call for us.

I once read a story... forgive me for not citing the story for I simply cannot remember from where it came...

There was a man who talked to God. During one conversation, God asked him to carry a small pebble up a large mountain. The man began his journey with great joy, singing to God as he went. How awesome God chose Him for this job. How wonderful he could contribute to God's great plan... and wow... this burden was light.

As he climbed the mountain, the man came upon a small village where his friend asked what he was doing. Upon finding out his destination, the friend asked, "could you please help me, I have this plank I need to get to the top of the mountain. Could you take it with you when you go?" Of course, the man consented. After all, he was going that way. The burden, a little heavier, was not too bad. So, he continued up the mountain, whistling and praising God.

Then, the man passed another friend who asked him to carry a small rock; then he passed yet another friend with a basket of small pebbles, then another friend, and another... and before he knew it - the man's burden was heavy and far too difficult to carry up the mountain. His praising turned to cursing... and he was no longer happy with God.

So, God came to visit... meeting him halfway up the mountain. And, God asked, "why are you so downcast? What's all this racket for?" The man started in, "You asked me to make this impossible trip... its too heavy... too far..."

And, God interrupted, pulling out each piece the man added to his burden... "What is this? And, this? And this? You see... these are not your burdens to carry. You were asked to carry this one pebble. Why are you carrying the weight of so many when you were given the assignment of One?"

To me, I cannot help but think - we oftentimes treat our resolutions as this man did his burden. We begin with a small task that God asks of us. He does not ask us to change the world. He asks us to change one small thing at a time. He does not give us beyond what we can bear. But, we, being the silly people we are... we add to our plates, we pile on the rocks, and then, we sit back and wonder why God made things so difficult. When, in fact, God did not make things difficult at all - He kept His promise - "his yoke is easy and his burden is light" (Matthew 11:30).

So, this year, consider what God desires of you. Do not add someone else's burden to your already important pile. Let God work. After all, God commands, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28) And, if you do - your burden will be light and your journey will be pleasurable - you will have deep rest in God. Its when we get in the way of God's work that we fail. And, boy can we make a mess of things.

So, I don't know about you. But, for me... I resolve... I resolve to let God have control. I resolve to allow Him to dictate my path. I resolve to carry the burden God gives me and not to pile on the burdens that God gives to someone else. I resolve to be the woman of God He intended and not the woman I think He intended. Yes, I resolve... I resolve to let go and let God. Sounds like a good resolution to me.

"Come all you who are thirsty, come to the waters..." Isaiah 55:1

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