I am not a writer; quite honestly, I tend to ramble BUT...

In Hebrews 3:13, it states, "but encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness."

So, I am answering God's call and sharing my thoughts and my passion. I love Jesus with all my heart and I want the world to know why.

Friday, August 6, 2010

What is on top of your list?

Haggai 1:5 - Now this is what the LORD ALMIGHTY says, "Give careful thought to your ways."

We are planners. There is a calendar in our kitchen which tells you everything that is occurring in the Albertson household during the upcoming month. During long car rides (and even short ones), we make lists - things to accomplish, things to buy, things to be done, people to call, etc. We plan ahead, plan beside, plan before, and plan behind... if that is even possible. And, of course, sometimes we plan to plan again... in other words, we plan flexibility.

Despite the event or reason, we are careful with our time, careful to plan our ways as God instructs in Haggai 1:5. You see, in the game of life, there is always something headed your way - whether it be work, friends, family, or simply something that makes your "to do" list. Some things make the list on purpose, others by chance. But, the list is always growing, never ending... so it seems. We must plan, otherwise, our careful time becomes haphazard and our ways become disheveled.

Then, of course, there is over-planning. There are people who pack their schedule too full, fill their plate too much, and wind up giving everything 30% because that's all that is left. These people are like Martha when Jesus came to visit - "worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed" (Luke 10:41-42). People, like Martha, focus on the plans so intently, they forget the main event, the main purpose of life. They are so busy planning, they have yet to learn the key - P.R.I.O.R.I.T.I.E.S!!!!! To effectively plan, you must accomplish the important things first and sometimes, yes, you do have to eliminate the unnecessary. By ridding yourself of unimportant things, you can focus upon God-centered things - you can follow Ecclesiastes 9:10 - whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.

You see, although planning does make life easier, one cannot forget to prioritize. And, God has clear instructions about what should be first. In Matthew 6:33, we learn to "seek first the kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you." The first priority is Jesus. No if, ands, buts about it - Jesus comes first. Period.

So, what is on top of your list? If its not Jesus, you'd better plan again.

"Come all you who are thirsty, come to the waters..." Isaiah 55:1

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