I am not a writer; quite honestly, I tend to ramble BUT...

In Hebrews 3:13, it states, "but encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness."

So, I am answering God's call and sharing my thoughts and my passion. I love Jesus with all my heart and I want the world to know why.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Lost Earring

First, before I begin, I would like to apologize for the few days of missing blogs. You see, I went out of town this weekend and FORGOT my computer. But, never fear... we are up and running now. So, please continue to come and drink!

Yesterday a great tragedy occurred in the life of me - I lost one of my favorite earrings. They are silver hoops about the size of a half dollar. My husband gave them to me for Christmas and I love the fact that they go with anything. And, sometime between 5:45 AM when they went in my ears and 7:00 PM, one escaped my ear. Somewhere between my house, school, the gas station, my dad's office, graduate school and between two cars, some lucky person will find my left earring - and they too will experience the same problem I am - what do you do with just one hoop earring?

Losing my earring made me think - God desires to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10), just as I desire to seek and save my lost earring. Its a stretch, I know, but really think about it. When we lose something, we are often determined to find it. We look everywhere, retrace our steps, ask around. And, well, do we act like that when we are seeking lost people? No, probably not. Most of us don't go out of our way to seek and save the lost - we just go on with our lives thinking the lost might fall in our lap or we'll witness to them... if we must.

So, I began to think about it - I never noticed my missing earring and the ironic thing about my earring is - no one even noticed or mentioned it was missing. I discovered the missing earring all on my own and by then, it was too late - it was long gone. Many lost people don't know what they are missing. No one tells them about Jesus; they don't now Jesus - so, how do they know Jesus is missing in their lives? And, unfortunately, the lost don't know what they are missing until its too late and the chance of salvation is long gone.

Think about it -in Romans 10:14, we learn of the desperation of the lost - "How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?" How can we expect the lost people to come to know Jesus unless we tell them? How will we know if someone is lost unless we ask them? And, sometimes, sadly, the question is - how will someone know they are lost unless they are told?

It is our job to seek the lost. To deliberately go through every step of our lives searching for someone, for something, for a way we can make an impact in God's kingdom. It is our job to seek and to find. To follow God's commands and to not stop until we locate and tell every lost person about Him. Jesus didn't stop - we shouldn't either.

So, for me - that means to stop dwelling on a lost earring and to start dwelling on the lost people... find them first. After all, their salvation depends upon it.

"Come all you who are thirsty, come to the waters..." Isaiah 55:1

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