I am not a writer; quite honestly, I tend to ramble BUT...

In Hebrews 3:13, it states, "but encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness."

So, I am answering God's call and sharing my thoughts and my passion. I love Jesus with all my heart and I want the world to know why.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Biggest, Tortoise-iest Glasses Of Them All

I wear glasses, well, contacts. In the fourth grade, I couldn't see the board, the street signs, the plants outside - really, I couldn't see much of anything. It was all fuzzy and unclear. So, my mama took me to the eye doctor. He dilated my eyes, put those funny looking lens things on me, made me read some chart, and shown a bright light my way - all to discover - I needed glasses! Of course, I, still to this day, remember my first moment with glasses. Back then, big, tortoise looking rims were cool, so naturally I had the biggest, tortoise-iest glasses they made. The glasses took up literally half my face - I looked a goob. But, who cares - they were amazing! I remember standing in our breakfast room, looking outside and seeing every little leaf on every tree. What used to be a large green glob had become the most beautiful, intricate, detailed tree I'd ever seen. What a difference glasses make!

I cannot help but think - we are all walking around with poor eyesight, in need of glasses. As humans, we are simply unable to see what God has in store. As 1 Corinthians 13:12 says, "now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face." Now, we are seeing things through my fourth grade eyes. We have a general picture, but can't focus on the specifics. But, soon, we will see life with God's eyes - we will be Heaven with a complete picture, a detailed picture, and amazing view. But just because our eyesight will not be perfected until Heaven does not mean that we can't have a little eye assistance. We need to pray God will provide us with the biggest, tortoise-iest glasses to aide us in seeing the world through his eyes. And, once we see the world through His eyes, our whole perspective will change.

"Come all you who are thirsty, come to the waters..." Isaiah 55:1

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