I am not a writer; quite honestly, I tend to ramble BUT...

In Hebrews 3:13, it states, "but encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness."

So, I am answering God's call and sharing my thoughts and my passion. I love Jesus with all my heart and I want the world to know why.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Pants on the Ground

I am a teacher by profession, some would say a teacher by design. And, in my daily routine I am currently privy to touch the lives of approximately 130 ninth grade students - not all of whom seek God daily.

In my four year stint of teaching, I can honestly say that approximately 500 students have entered my room and experienced my quirky behavior day in and day out for at least the required 180 days. But, even with my experience, my calling, and my education courses, nothing could compare me for one faithful May day in my teaching career...

So, let me set the scene -
in my classroom we are diligently working on mathematics projects. Students are working in pairs around the room as I float from group to group answering questions. It is nothing unusual for students to walk to the front of the classroom for supplies off the supply table, so I thought nothing of it when my precious student (We'll call him Sam) headed that way.

Next thing I know, to my shock and horror - his pants are on the ground! There he is, at the front of my room, standing alone... with no pants, sporting his underwear and proudly holding gym shorts in one hand. Naturally, like any calm, rational teacher would - I stop (eyes wide... seriously considering what to do) and say, Sam, honey, just what are you doing? And, casually, he replies, I am changing into my gym shorts. Mrs. A - we have basketball today. It's my favorite and I just don't think I'll have time to change before class.

Then, it hit me - Sam didn't see a problem with sporting his underwear in class. To him, it made perfect sense to change clothes for gym right in the front of my mathematics class. He saw what he needed and made it happen, without thinking of the consequences. (Needless to say, poor Sam had some sad consequences for changing in class that day.)

So, I guess now you are saying - what does this random story have to do with God? Well, let me tell you. Sam taught me several valuable lessons -

1. Not everyone knows what is right.
In Ephesians 4:18, we learn nonbelievers are "darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them..." As sad as it is, not everyone knows Jesus. And, not everyone knows what is right and what is wrong. Although Sam is a great kid, he is lost. And, as a believer it my responsibility to "live as a Child of the light... and find out what pleases God." (Esph. 5:8-9) As a believer, I need to understand that not everyone knows what is right, but it is my responsibility to share with the non-believer. As a Christian, I am held to a greater standard. And, with that greater standard comes great responsibility - I am required to share.

2. Sometimes, we need to jump in - see what we need; make it happen, without thinking of the consequences.
Let me explain - sometimes God calls us to the unthinkable. And, us, being the rational people we are - instead of listening to God, we listen to ourselves. Instead of thinking, God knows best... we know best. And, we weight out what appears to be our consequences rather than realizing God knows our consequences and chose them for us. In Isaiah 6:8, it states, "here I am; send me!" How often do we just volunteer? I mean, think about it - God wants us to share the gospel, simple enough, right? Instead of jumping in, we weigh our "consequences." What if they think I'm stupid? What if they make fun of me? What if they say no? And, instead, we should just jump in to what we need to do; make it happen, and trust God with the consequences.

Now, don't place your pants on the ground... Just follow God!

And, in light of this story... I thought is best to share the American Idol Pants on the Ground song... just in case you need a laugh. Click the link below:

"Come all you who are thirsty, come to the waters..." Isaiah 55:1

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