I am not a writer; quite honestly, I tend to ramble BUT...

In Hebrews 3:13, it states, "but encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness."

So, I am answering God's call and sharing my thoughts and my passion. I love Jesus with all my heart and I want the world to know why.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Sticks and Stones...

When I first met Andrew, my husband, there were alot of things that impressed me about him. (I knew right off - he was the guy for me... he, on the other hand, needed some persuading before taking on this challenge). He was cute! He was a complete gentleman, always, "yes ma'am, no ma'am, thank you sir" to everyone, including little kids. And, most importantly, he loved Jesus! (According to his parents, as a small child he dreamed of becoming a "straight patrol-man" who would carry a Bible and a gun.) Now, years later - all of these things still ring true about Andrew. He is a God-fearing man, a man I am proud to call my husband.

But, I must admit, some of my proudest wife moments come from his interaction with those around him. Every time we enter a restaurant, I cannot help but be amazed at his gentle spirit - and, I mean EVERY time. Let me explain - Andrew never sits down to eat without giving the server every ounce of his attention. He deliberately calls him or her by name. And, if, on the off chance, they fail to mention a name - he seeks it out. He looks into our server's eyes and asks, "how are you?" actually wanting to know the answer. He says thank you each time something is delivered to the table or taken away. He acknowledges, with just a few words (as he is a man of few words) that our server is an integral, important part of our lives and the meal. With his tiny gestures and pleasant words - he makes a HUGE impact! His pleasant words are well-accepted and refreshing, for me and those around us. He knows words make a huge impact. Words hurt and words help - depending upon what is said. And, through his wisdom, Andrew uses words to better those around him.

In Proverbs 16:24 it says, "Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Wow! Words are powerful! James even says, "Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire..." (James 3: 5-6a). What we say directly impacts those around us - both for the good and for the bad. The old adage, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" is simply a load of hooey. Words hurt. Or, words help. And, words alone can change our mood immediately! Andrew understands this - his simple, "whats your name again" and deliberate use of someone's name makes a huge impact!

So, next time you are out and about, think of what you're saying. Consider what type of fire you are setting - are you causing a smile or a frown? Are you using words to better those around you or to cause harm? Or, is your failure to use words creating a painful, destructive fire? Use your words wisely. Desire to heal the bones with sweet, pleasant conversation. But, Regardless of what you say, know that your tiny gestures and simple words are creating a HUGE impact - just make sure its the impact that God desires.

"Come all you who are thirsty, come to the waters..." Isaiah 55:1

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